to cultivate Christlike
While providing
high-quality education.
As an accredited 501c3 not-for-profit education institution, all donations to TAA are tax-deductible.
TAA offers an affordable alternative to public school, with unique educational experiences that incorporate spiritual development in the context of daily classroom education. By partnering with parents and churches, TAA has turned into more than just a school but a school+home
+church community.
Every penny of tuition and fee income to the school is put immediately towards the mission of TAA.
And therefore since TAA does not operate with an endowment, we could not meet the needs of our students and families without the yearly financial support of the constituent churches (listed below), and individual donors and families like you.
Thank you for your support of Adventist Education in southeastern Virginia!
Option A
Donate to the Potomac Conference Education Foundation
The PCEF directly supports families who are transferring from public schools and qualify for financial assistance.
NOTE: These funds are not only eligible to deduct from itemized tax returns, but if you earned any income in Virginia, you can claim a 65% tax CREDIT on top of that. A truly remarkable and time-limited option. For more information contact the school office or go directly to the Foundation website.
Option B
These funds may be directed to either Facilities upgrades, technology, or specific classrooms. There are recurring needs in these areas.
Option C
Checks can be made payable to
Tidewater Adventist Academy and mailed to the school office.
Affiliated & Supporting Institutions
As a fully accredited educational institutional and a ministry TAA receives direct operating support from local church organizations:
North American Division Office of Education
Potomac Conference of Seventh-day Adventists